28. 中村智洋,尾崎隼朗,加藤豪,中田幸太郎,神庭睦実,長登健,内藤久士,形本静夫. 若年男性サイクリストにおいてペダリングスキルが競技レベルに影響する. Journal of Training Science for Exercise and Sport. 32(4): 255-263, 2021 論文
27. Ozaki Hayao, Abe Takashi, Dankel SJ, Loenneke JP, Natsume Toshihau, Deng Peng, Naito Hisashi. The Measurement of Strength in Children: Is the Peak Value Truly Maximal? Children. 8(1): 9; https://doi.org/10.3390/children8010009, 2021 論文
26. Nakamura Tomohiro, Ozaki Hayao, Sasaki Hiroto, Naito Hisashi, Shizuo Katamoto. Characteristics of power output during supramaximal cycle ergometer exercise in first- and third-grade male Japanese high school cyclists. Journal of Science and cycling. 9(3): 1-8, 2021 論文
25. Ozaki Hayao, Sawada Shuji, Osawa Takuya, Natsume Toshiharu, Yoshihara Toshinori, Deng Pengyu, Machida Shuichi, Naito Hisashi. Muscle size and strength of the lower body in supervised and in combined supervised and unsupervised low-load resistance training. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 19: 721-726, 2020 論文
24. 尾崎隼朗. 漸減トレーニング 〜第3の新たなトレーニングを目指して〜. Journal of training Science for Exercise and Sport. 30(4): , 2019 論文
23. Ozaki Hayao, Nakagata Takashi, Yoshihara Toshinori, Kitada Tomoharu, Natsume Toshiharu, Ishihara Yoshihiko, Deng Pengyu, Kobayashi Hiroyuki, Machida Shuichi, Naito Hisashi. Effects of Progressive Walking and Stair-Climbing Training Program on Muscle Size and Strength of the Lower Body in Untrained Older Adults. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 18: 722-728, 2019 論文
22. Yohishara Toshinori, Ozaki Hayao, Nakagata takashi, Natsume Toshiharu, Kitada Tomohiro, Ishihara Yoshihiko, Sawada Shuji, Ishibashi Masayoshi, Kobayashi Hiroyuki, Machida Shuichi, Naito Hisashi. Association between locomotive syndrome and blood parameters in Japanese middle-aged and elderly individuals: A cross-sectional study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 20(1) 104, 2019 論文
21. 尾崎隼朗, 加藤豪, 中潟崇, 形本静夫. 最大酸素摂取量と無酸素パワーの同時改善法の開発に向けた研究. 公益財団法人ミズノスポーツ振興財団研究助成報告書, 2019 報告書
20. 中村智洋,尾崎隼朗,内藤久士,形本静夫. 高校生男子自転車競技選手における全国大会1kmタイムトライアル優勝者の体力特性. Journal of Training Science for Exercise and Sport. 30(2): 97-105, 2018 実践報告
19. Yohishara Toshinori, Ozaki Hayao, Nakagata takashi, Natsume Toshiharu, Kitada Tomohiro, Ishihara Yoshihiko, Deng Pengyu, Osawa Takuya, Ishibashi Masayoshi, Ishijima Muneaki, Kobayashi Hiroyuki, Machida Shuichi, Naito Hisashi. Effects of a progressive walking program for improving locomotive syndrome in elderly Japanese people: A single-arm intervention. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 30: 1180-1186, 2018 論文
18. Steele James, Butler Andrew, Comerford Zoe, Dyer Jason, Lloyd Nathan, Ward Joshua, Fisher James, Gentil Paulo, Scott Christopher, Ozaki Hayao. Similar acute physiological responses from effort and duration matched leg press and recumbent cycling tasks. PeerJ. 28(6):e4403, 2018 論文
17. 北田友治, 尾崎隼朗. 筋酸素化レベルを指標とする筋力トレーニング処方の確立に向けた研究. ミズノスポーツ振興財団. 2016年度スポーツ学等研究助成報告書, 2017. 報告書
16. 尾崎隼朗. 男子学生における椅子立ち上がりテストのパフォーマンスに測定時間の違いが与える影響. 体育研究. 51: 1-3. 2017 実践報告
15. 尾崎隼朗. 中央大学理工学部の男子学生における簡易体力テスト・ノルム作成の試み. 体育研究. 50: 17-21. 2016 実践報告
14. Ozaki Hayao, Nakagata Takashi, Natsume Toshiharu, Machida Shuichi, Naito Hisashi. Effect of Combined Increased Physical Activity and Walking with Blood Flow Restriction on Leg Muscle Thickness in Older Adults. Juntendo Medical Journal. 62 (Suppl 1): 206-210, 2016 Proceeding
13. Nakagata Takashi, Ozaki Hayao, Machida Shuichi, Ishibashi Masayoshi, Naito Hisashi. Effect of long-term training program combining increased physical activity and walking with blood flow restriction on locomotive syndrome in the elderly. Juntendo Medical Journal. 62 (Suppl 1): 211-217, 2016 Proceeding
12. Kitada Tomoharu, Ozaki Hayao, Nakagata Takashi, Ishibashi Masayoshi, Machida Shuichi, Naito Hisashi. Relationship between physical activities and locomotive syndrome after a 3-month exercise intervention of walking and stair climbing in elderly Japanese individuals. Juntendo Medical Journal. 62 (Suppl 1): 218-224, 2016 Proceeding
11. Ishihara Yoshihiko, Ozaki Hayao, Nakagata Takashi, Ishibashi Masayoshi, Machida Shuichi, Naito Hisashi. Locomotive syndrome relation to daily physical activity, physical function, and body composition in elderly people: a pilot study. Juntendo Medical Journal. 62 (Suppl 1): 225-230, 2016 Proceeding
10. Yoshihara Toshinori, Ozaki Hayao, Nakagata Takashi, Natsume Toshiharu, Machida Shuichi, Naito Hisashi. Effect of 6-month walking and stair-climbing exercise program and walking with blood flow restriction on body composition and hemoglobin A1c levels in elderly people. Juntendo Medical Journal. 62 (Suppl 1): 231-235, 2016 Proceeding
9. Natsume Toshiharu, Ozaki Hayao, Nakagata Takashi, Machida Shuichi, Naito Hisashi. Acute changes in blood lactate concentration, muscle thickness and strength after walking with blood flow restriction in older adults. Juntendo Medical Journal. 62 (Suppl 1): 237-242, 2016 Proceeding
8. Ozaki Hayao, Abe Takashi, Mikesky AE, Sakamoto Akihiro, Machida Shuichi, Naito Hisashi. Physiological stimuli necessary for muscle hypertrophy. The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine. 4(1): 43-51, 2015 論文
7. Ishihara Yoshihiko, Naito Hisashi, Ozaki Hayao, Yoshimura Masafumi. Aerobic Fitness Relation to Match Performance of Japanese Soccer Referees. Football Science. 12: 91-97, 2015 論文
6. Koyama Keiji, Naito Hisashi, Ozaki Hayao, Yanagiya Toshio. Effects of unstable shoes on energy cost during treadmill walking at various speeds. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 11: 632-637, 2012 論文
5. 菅谷正人, 坂牧美歌子, 尾崎隼朗, 小笠原理紀, 佐藤義昭, 安田智洋, 安部 孝. 外部圧迫による筋血流量の変化が低強度運動時の筋放電量と最大筋力に及ぼす影響. 体育学研究. 56: 481-489, 2011 資料
4. 形本静夫, 尾崎隼朗, 村出真一朗, 柿木 亮, 中潟 崇, 吉原利典, 内藤久士. 長時間耐久レースにおけるサイクリング時間の違いが日本人自転車愛好家のエネルギー動態及び心筋マーカーに及ぼす影響. 平成22年度「自転車による健康増進のための自然科学的研究」報告書, 31-39, 2011 報告書
3. 形本静夫, 村出真一朗, 尾崎隼朗, 中潟 崇. エンデューロ時の運動強度およびエネルギー消費量 -競技選手の場合-. 平成22年度「自転車による健康増進のための自然科学的研究」報告書, 47-52, 2011 報告書
2. Ozaki Hayao, Brechue William F, Sakamaki Mikako, Yasuda Tomohiro, Nishikawa Masato, Aoki Norikazu, Ogita Futoshi, Abe Takashi.Metabolic and cardiovascular responses to upright cycle exercise with leg blood flow reduction. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 9: 224-230, 2010 論文
1. Abe Takashi, Fujita Satoshi, Nakajima Toshiaki, Sakamaki Mikako, Ozaki Hayao, Ogasawara Riki, Sugaya Masato, Kudo Maiko, Kurano Miwa, Yasuda Tomohiro, Sato Yoshiaki, Ohshima Hiroshi, Mukai Chiaki, Ishii Naokata. Effects of low-intensity cycle training with restricted leg blood flow on thigh muscle volume and Vo2max in young men. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 9: 452-458, 2010 論文